Category: Tech-Tutorials
Azure: Copy a blob from a tenant to another tenant account
Azure: Create AKS Cluster by ARM and ACI (using CNAB,
Secure API Gateway by AWS Cognito User Pool (in ReactJS based Gatsby App)
Integrate AWS Cognito to Gatsby Website
Oracle Cloud: Signup and Enable MFA for Identity Cloud Account
Lambda + API Gateway, Telegram Bot and Serverless Webapp
K8S 15: (on GKE Cluster) Setup Prometheus + Grafana Operator by Helm
Azure: Setup Auto Stop/Start on schedule for Virtual Machines
K8S 14: (on GKE Cluster) Setup Sonarqube for Maven Project With GitlabCI
K8S 13: Using Gitlab CI on GKE Cluster - Push Docker Image to GCR for Continuous Integration (CI)